Lot Detail:
Assorted Case Packs of New Overstock Cover Girl Cosmetics.
Category: Health & Beauty
Date Posted: 11/26/24
Price: $362.50
Quality: New
FOB: Los Angeles
Shipping: FedEx, UPS or Freight Carrier
Terms: Credit Card, Debit, Paypal, Money Order, Cash
Updated Mix June 9th 2020
- All goods are retail ready
- Mix of Carded and un carded goods
- Significant % of items may still be in their original outer or inner master case
- This Case Lot is made entirely of 100% Cover Girl Branded Cosmetic Items
Please refer to the Partial Manifest Above to see Approximate:
- Item Description Breakdown per case
- Color Mix Breakdown per case
- Category Mix Breakdown per case
Pictures are just samples, please refer to the Partial Manifest above for approximate breakdown.